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Curious about the former Timber Shores property?


Join New Community Vision, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, to see first-hand how together we can preserve this unique 214-acre gem located between Northport and Omena on Grand Traverse Bay for conservation, public access and attainable housing for locals.

We are offering exclusive access to the property this summer. There is an Open House Event on June 24 (5-8pm) as well as Guided Walks through mid-July.

RSVP Registration is required for all access to the property.


New partnerships established amid process

By Meakalia Previch-Liu on Wednesday, May 8, 2024

New Community Vision (NCV) is moving forward with its efforts this summer to acquire the former Timber Shores property, determined to reach its $3.6 million mid-summer goal from private donors.

The nonprofit has been working since last summer to purchase the property with a mission to ultimately preserve and restore the 214-acre lakeshore property of M-22 in Leelanau Township. NCVs initial goal was to raise $5 million by the end of 2023, but has secured an exclusive option agreement and extension since, giving the group more time to raise funds through the summer.

According to NCVs latest update, the group has also established a strategic partnership with the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians (GTB), and will pursue a collaborative application for a significant federal grant with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Part of the grant will help NCV to reach the purchase price to acquire the entire Timber Shores property. The NOAA application was submitted last November, and NCV hopes to hear positive news by early July regarding any grant award from the federal agency. The grant could potentially fund up to half of acquisition costs, and would include “substantial funding allocated to robust on-the-ground restoration activities to restore the wetlands, woodlands, Ennis Creek and lakeshore.”

“GTB will lead the restoration work and stewardship of the future nature preserve, which as noted in our update document, is historically deeply important to them,” said NCV board vice-president Beth Verhey. “In addition, a promising element of the grant application is focused on inclusive community engagement in planning the restoration and future of this extraordinary natural asset as a nature preserve all can enjoy, and on education outreach, especially with local youth organizations, to allow community members to develop a deeper understanding of Anishinaabek cultural connectivity to the site and broaden awareness of habitat restoration and threats to Great Lakes fishery.”

“We are particularly grateful for our close partnership with the Grand Traverse Band,” said John Sentell, NCV president, in a recent statement. “Their expertise and leadership in the stewardship of natural habitats throughout our region reinforces the importance of preserving this special lakeshore property. This close partnership is key to not only preserving and restoring the property, but connecting all people in the community to this remarkable natural asset again.”

NCV has also recently established a collaboration with another local nonprofit, Peninsula Housing, to help solve housing challenges in Leelanau. Peninsula Housing is a nonprofit community land trust committed to providing affordable housing in Suttons Bay and Leelanau County. The two groups will work closely to develop attainable housing on a 24-acre parcel of land on the former Timber Shores property.

“Both Leelanau nonprofits are committed to providing more affordable homes for residents who live and work in the County, and have agreed to work collaboratively on planning, preliminary design, public outreach and fundraising for attainable housing,” the NCV update stated.

This summer, NCV will continue working on its community outreach efforts, too, and plans to expand community engagement throughout the summer. NCV will host group tours/ walks on the property starting in June and anticipate a number of community gatherings and fireside chats in area homes to continue to build momentum and support for their efforts.

While awaiting for an update on the NOAA federal grant, NCV received grant funding from other local organizations to support its mission of preserving and restoring the land. The Leelanau Township Community Foundation and Rotary Charities recently awarded the group grants to help fund an initial concept plan and community outreach for attainable housing, and the Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation awarded the group a Land Use and Conservation grant last year.

The article is published here. Thanks to the Leelanau Enterprise for allowing us to share this coverage with you.

May 6, 2024: New Community Vision (NCV) and Peninsula Housing (PH) have announced their intention to closely cooperate to develop attainable housing on a 24-acre parcel of land on the former Timber Shores property.

The two Leelanau non-profits are committed to providing more affordable homes for residents who live and work in the County, and have agreed to work collaboratively on planning, preliminary design, public outreach and fundraising for attainable housing.

John Sentell, president of NCV, said that joining forces with PH for this opportunity is another significant step forward in NCV’s efforts to purchase and protect the majority of the former Timber Shores land for the benefit of nature and the local community. 

“Using a modest section of the former Timber Shores land for much-needed attainable housing has always been an important part of the mission behind NCV. Now, working with a well-respected non-profit like Peninsula Housing means we have an experienced ally in our commitment to help solve the housing challenges in the County.  We’re excited to make this joint vision a reality.” he said.

Peninsula Housing is an independently-funded community land trust based in Suttons Bay with a mission to provide affordable workforce housing in Leelanau. 

Larry Mawby, PH president, said: “The need for attainable workforce housing is an issue facing the Omena and Northport area, and indeed all of our County.  We believe that collaboration between PH and NCV will not only strengthen our communities in the long-term, but can be model of success beyond our region.”

“NCV’s acquisition of  the former Timber Shores property is a vital piece helping us solve the housing puzzle in the Northport community. Our joint commitment to engaging the community and developing local partnerships brings new energy to finding solutions to the need for attainable housing,” Mawby added.

Recently NCV received two grants, one from the Leelanau Township Community Foundation (LTCF) and one from Rotary Charities to help pursue this effort. Both grants will fund an initial concept plan and community outreach for the attainable housing portion of the property NCV has an exclusive option to acquire.

NCV has already tapped Urban Design Associates (UDA) of Pittsburgh to start work on consensus-driven plans for the 24-acre parcel. PH has previously worked with UDA to conduct a full community planning process for a 10-acre site of their own in Suttons Bay.  

Conserving the majority of the 214-acres of the former Timber Shores as a nature preserve remains a crucial focus of NCV.  To achieve this goal, NCV is working closely with the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians (GTB) in efforts to preserve and restore this extraordinary lakeshore habitat to enhance coastal resiliency and to once again connect people with this remarkable lakeshore site.  

As part of this collaboration, NCV and GTB recently submitted a grant application to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a federal agency which conserves and manages coastal and marine eco-systems. Part of this grant is to  help NCV acquire the former Timber Shores property.

For more information see: 

New Community Vision website here

Peninsula Housing website here 

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