New Community Vision confirms our ongoing efforts to purchase the former Timber Shores property are still very much on track.
In parallel to NCV's efforts to acquire the property, the developer of the proposed Timber Shores RV park is continuing with permit processes as part of preparing a revised application. The public hearing being held by EGLE on November 7 regards the developer's wastewater discharge permit application. This application was submitted several months prior to NCV’s securing an option agreement to purchase the property from the current owner. This public hearing by EGLE is completely unrelated to the ongoing efforts by NCV to acquire the property, and is not an approach NCV will pursue after successfully acquiring the property.
Acquiring the property for a new vision aligned with community priorities is the sole focus of NCV. Our alternative vision will ensure environmental protection of the property, lakeshore and bay in perpetuity.
Our year-end goal of $5 million in pledges is critical to our success. Every pledge adds up to success. As John Sentell, NCV president says, "Many of the special places in Leelanau are preserved by the power of people joining together to make a difference in our community's future. This is one of those moments." Please join us in this new vision by making a donation or a pledge!
For large gifts, pledge here.
For gifts of any size, donate here.