Renowned anthropologist Margaret Mead famously said "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has."
We are well on our way to redirecting the future of the prominent Timber Shores property from an RV Park to nature preserved and a small parcel for attainable housing to support local businesses. It’s the kind of vision for Leelanau we can all embrace!
We are pleased to share recent updates toward our goal with you:
We are excited to report that the progress toward our $5 million fundraising goal has enabled us to successfully partner in a substantial grant application The collective pledges since our August launch allowed us to pursue this grant that could help preserve and establish the nature preserve we all envision. We are particularly grateful for our close partnership with the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians and their expertise and leadership in environmental restoration and stewardship throughout our region that underpins the strength of this application. While NCV continues to pursue additional grant opportunities, these applications require significant investment for research and robust background work to complete. Your operating support for this and our other efforts is greatly appreciated! To donate operating funds to support our work, click here.
We are also pleased to have received a Land Use, Conservation and Planning Endowment small grant from the Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation toward our operating expenses. It’s further evidence that the importance of our work resonates throughout our region.
Importantly, our growing support throughout the community has allowed us to successfully extend our purchase option agreement with the property owner, affording us several more months to raise the necessary funds to complete an acquisition in 2024. This is a critically important milestone.
This is all good news! However, while we’ve made progress in public fundraising, we still have a hill to climb to achieve our goal. We hope you will consider making a pledge, and that you will consider connecting us with others you feel might help us achieve our $5 million goal in 2024. And again, if at the end of this year you have the opportunity for an additional contribution to help with our ongoing operating expenses, we’d be exceptionally grateful!
A gift to New Community Vision is a gift that will last forever. Again, our deepest appreciation for your ongoing support that helps ensure future generations will be able to enjoy another of the beautiful and wild places that defines Leelanau.
With gratitude,
John Sentell, President
Beth Linnea Verhey, Vice President
Dale Lersch, Treasurer
Kate Bulkley, Secretary
Andy Thomas, Board